Einschreibung Kontakt

Räbeliechtli Celebration

Lokale Verbundenheit Stark im Verbund SIS Pfäffikon-Schwyz Kindergarten Primarschule/Grundschule

A traditional Swiss lantern festival for kids.

Räbeliechtli is an Autumn festival where children design and create lanterns using turnips. Each canton holds its own celebration, at which the children present their artistically carved turnips lit with a candle inside to their parents and friends.

In our school, the Kindergarten and Primary Intro students crafted their lanterns out of paper, while the First and Second graders carved their lanterns out of turnips. Each grade then learned two Swiss songs to present to their families.

This year was truly unforgettable, as we had our first snowfall on the evening of Räbeliechtli. The students and parents got all bundled up to endure the freezing temperatures as the kids showcased their lanterns outside, walked in the beautiful forest, and later went into our gazebo to perform the songs to conclude the lantern festival.