Einschreibung Kontakt

Project Week

Lebendige Schulgemeinschaft SIS Zürich-Wollishofen Kindergarten Primarschule/Grundschule

Students participated in our annual whole-school project, with the theme "Celebrating Cultures of the World".

Each summer all of our students, from kindergarten through year 6, participate in project week, with this year's theme being "Celebrating Cultures of the World".

During project week, regular lessons are placed on hold and students delve deep into the theme. Mixed year level groups are formed and students attend various workshops each morning. These workshops are run by teachers, with a range of learning topics all involving the celebration of cultures across the world. Examples of workshops include writing numbers in Chinese, history of the Aztecs, the game of Cricket, and making Origami.

In the afternoons, students returned to their homeroom classroom to share and reflect on what they have learned. Each class created an oversized human poster cut-out and they decorated it with their reflections. Students and staff alike particularly enjoyed the "International Food" event, where students brought to school delicacies from their home countries. The week then culminated in a whole-school assembly, where a video showing all of the pictures from the week was presented.

It was impressive to see how much was learned, as well as how much fun was had!