Einschreibung Kontakt

Annual Chess Tournament

Abwechslungsreicher Unterricht Lebendige Schulgemeinschaft SIS Zürich-Wollishofen Primarschule/Grundschule

The annual Chess Tournament for years 2 to 6 was a success.

SIS Zürich-Wollishofen recently held their annual chess tournament. The competition is a six-round event involving many of our students in years 2 to 6. The students come prepared knowing the rules of the game and impressed with their skill levels and poise. There are two competition groups, one comprising of students in years 2 and 3, with the other one for students from years 4 to 6. It is with excitement that each day the students see their own total points calculated by the refereeing teachers. The chess tournament is also a good opportunity for students to practice their good sportsmanship and develop deeper friendships with one another. Most of all, the students had a lot of fun and we look forward to next year's event!