Einschreibung Kontakt

Cinema with the school

Abwechslungsreicher Unterricht Lebendige Schulgemeinschaft SIS Zürich Sekundarschule

On Wednesday morning, 27 March, the 2CO classes went to the cinema to watch the film LA VOIE ROYAL.

This film, directed by Frédéric Mermoud, has not yet been released. We, as a class, not only had the chance to see the film before its release, but also the experience of seeing it with the director himself. At the very end, there was a question-and-answer session with Mr Mermoud, and we had the opportunity to ask him questions about the film. 
LA VOIE ROYALE is a film that illustrates the beginnings of the preparatory class to prepare for a prestigious grande école for a student who never saw herself doing more than an agricultural college. When she arrived in Lyon for this preparatory class, she was astonished to see the contrast between her small village and this big city. Sophie, the girl in question, found it very difficult to adapt. She decided to set her sights as high as possible, on the Polytechnique in Paris. But she realises that it's not all plain sailing and that climbing the social ladder is a real challenge. 

I really enjoyed the film and would recommend it to anyone!

Alexandre Mähler (2CO-G)