Einschreibung Kontakt

Our Sustainability Week

Meilensteine und Erfolge Nachhaltigkeit SIS Männedorf-Zürich Primarschule/Grundschule

What is our project week about? This year for project week, our theme is sustainability, which means to be aware of the earth.

For instance, recycle, reuse and reduce, the three Rs. The school chose this topic because it helps the environment when everybody joins in. Also, it is fun to learn new things.

Year 6 gave the school a short presentation about sustainability to start off the week. On the same day Year 3 to Year 5 went on a hike where they had to bring a healthy snack and a lunch without packaging. This was not easy, since most of the things are sold with packaging. When the students were in the forest, they were challenged to build a ball track out of nature. The group who built the longest one won.

Kindergarten up to Year 2 planted tomato seeds, learned everything about the recycling station and got to try vegan food products. They evaluated if they liked the taste or not. They also went to the lake and took pictures of some types of plants. Later, when they reached the classroom, they drew pictures of these plants.

On Wednesday, Year 4 made their own paper by recycling newspaper. They even put in flower petals, so the paper looked really nice.

On Thursday, Year 3 and 4 went on a field trip to the Environment Arena. It is a fun museum about sustainability in Zürich, where they were able to produce energy by pedalling on a bicycle.

And Year 4 and 5 were learning about companies that are sustainable. Those companies don’t harm the environment, because they use the three Rs. For example, “Too good to go”, “Freitagstaschen” or “Madame Frigo”.

On Friday, the last day of the project week, Year 3 and 6 made delicious smoothies with the leftover fruit. They enjoyed them with paper straws and sustainable cups.

During their music lesson, they reproduced known melodies with glasses full of water. Some came out really well.

Most kids didn’t notice, but for the whole week the menu was without meat. It tasted as good as always.

Our favourite part of the project week was the hike at the beginning and when we went to the Vitaparcour (fitness trail), because we could enjoy nature. You could also see on the faces of the teachers that they were very excited to teach us something we normally don’t learn.

We wish that from now on we all try to be more sustainable by using reusable bottles, eating less meat and using less water for showering.